Individual Assistance - NLF
Committee Chair
DG Wayne Hinerman
The Committee
PDG Marilyn Chilvers
Kathy Heitman
Jeff Loschen
Vicky Morford
PDG Merlin Olson
Leon Sweigard
PDG Don Wolford
District Individual Assistance Applications:
Go to Documents
Look under MD and click your District
Up To $1000
Individual Assistance Application
Do you have an individual assistance project that you can’t fully fund? That is the reason for your District and Nebraska Lions Foundation (NLF) assistance funds. Depending on which District you are in you may be able to receive up to $400 of matching funds to help pay for your assistance project from your Lions District. After you have gone through your District assistance process you can apply for NLF individual assistance and may be able to receive up to $1000 of additional matching funds.
The application process for both District & NLF funds is very easy. The first step is for your Club to decide how much of the project you can afford and write the check to the service provider or individual as appropriate. Make 2 copies of the check if you need to apply for additional funding. It is important that your Club fully understand the project and verify the financial need because no further investigation will be done by the District or NLF. It is also highly recommended that you contact the service provider to request a discount on the charges. When you tell them that your Lions Club is helping to fund the project due to financial need, most providers will give a discount.
All of the District and NLF assistance application forms can be found on the www. website under the MD38 drop-down menu and Documents. The NLF application is on the right side of the page and the District applications are all at the bottom of the page. Just select the desired application link and print the form. Some of the forms are 2 pages and can be printed as a double-sided form if your printer has that capability. Fill out the appropriate District application form for matching funds and send it with a copy of your local Club check to your District Assistance Chairman or District Governor.
When you receive the assistance check from your District, be sure to make a copy if additional funds will be requested from NLF. Fill out the NLF assistance application form and send it with copies of your local Club check and the District check to the NLF Assistance Chairman as listed in the current Who’s Who. You can request matching funds for the total of your Club contribution and the District funds received up to the current limit of $750.
Please be aware that filling out the District and NLF application forms does Not guarantee that you will receive the funds. So do not promise the funds until they are actually approved for payment by your District Governor or the NLF Assistance Committee. All the above information and more is on the Guidelines page of the NLF assistance application. If you are unable to print these application forms from the website you can always contact the NLF Assistance Chairman and they will be sent to you. If you have any questions on the process don’t hesitate to contact either your District Governor or the NLF Assistance Chairman. The current NLF Assistance Chairman is:
Wayne Hinerman
914 Waynoka St
Hastings, NE 68901
Home # 402-461-4712
Cell # 402-613-7872
So don’t be afraid to take on those larger individual assistance projects because the District & NLF assistance funds may be able to help you to fund them.